Tuesday 10 October 2017

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A team of young rocket modelers

By: ExtraFunnyPicture On: October 10, 2017
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  • Mali Bane with his friends stands in front of the supermarket. They look through the shop window, and they do something, they explain and argue. It is Wednesday, and on Saturday they take part in the rally. They are a team of rocket modelers, or as it's already called. The right ones are the models of planes that fly and remotely control them from the ground.
    The ground is controlled where the plane will fly and how it will land. But, landing there is one technical problem. They can control it and instruct them to ground, but deceleration is a problem, since the flaps on the wings of the aircraft during the stop must be almost at right angles to the direction of movement. Which means that there is a very large air intake, because this is exactly what is slowing down and stopping.
    There is a problem. In this small airplane there are batteries of only one and a half volt, and the plane to be good must be light and therefore it is almost impossible to install in it a sufficiently strong electric motor or electromagnet that will hold that fin in a position that allows slowdown and defects air flow.
    The problem was solved by a little one with a simple spring. They on the remote control have a key that activates the sparking on the two electrodes that have been fitted into the airplane. Between the electrodes is a thin rubber thread that, when the spark begins, is burned.
    This rubber thread holds a small piston, and when the rubber thread breaks, the piston falls out and the springs forcefully pull their feathers on the wings to the bottom and - the plane slows down.
    But, there is another problem. This rubber thread is made from a condom. Because of all the available materials, only the condom is the proper structure because it is also strong enough to hold the piston, and it is also sensitive enough, reliably and quickly reacts, and burns in contact with the spark.
    They buy condoms, scissors scraping them on a froncle and are quiet for a year with these stocks of rubber threads.
    However, they spent their supplies and now they stand, pulling out the straw and smashing of the youngest, chubby Banet to get in and buy hygienic rubbers for all couples. When they are already buying, they buy as much as possible to keep them as quiet as possible, because each time they stack up and fight who will be the victim to enter the grocery store.
    And little Bane enters. Behind him, the family sees through the window, cling nose on the glass and kneel in Baneta what he does and how he is suffering.
    - Good day...
    - Bye Bane, my dear, tell me what you need ...
    - ...
    - Tell Bane? ...
    - Give me one of the best wishes ...
    - Here you go...
    - ... (uf ...)
    - Say Bane! ...
    - Give me one Yafa ...
    - Something else?...
    - ...
    - Bane !!! ...
    - Give me the biggest package of condoms.
    - Branislav? What will you do with condoms?! ...
    - It's not for me! ... It's for us, for the whole team.
    - Branislav, and even packing ?! The biggest package ???
    - Ma, Aunt Shiljo, I can not explain to you now, her, we have a competition on Saturday, and ...
    I - Aunt Ljilja then fell into an unconscious ...


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